
The Afternoon Tea Essential Oil Packs is a beautiful trio of Lavender, Rosemary and Sweet Orange. Afternoon Tea is the perfect pack to diffuse when enjoying your friends and family over some afternoon sips and snacks.
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$ 40.00 AUD
Focus Driver reminds you to live in the moment while helping to enhance your memory so that the adventures of the present stay in your mind in the future.
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$ 30.00 AUD
The Freshness Boost Essential Oil Pack has rightfully earned its name - including the juicy combination of Eucalyptus, Lime and Spearmint, this trio is bursting with exciting punches of citrus and minty freshness ready to revive and awaken any space you diffuse them in.
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$ 43.00 AUD
Help you feel as grounded and connected to the earth as the thriving and lively trees that bring our planet so much life. Being in tune with nature is one of the best ways of remaining in a constant state of calmness and peace, so you can be certain they will be of great help.
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$ 60.00 AUD
$ 21.00 AUD

Kunzea Essential Oil

This Australian native essential oil is from the beautiful lands of North East Tasmania. Some of Tasmania’s native animals like to rest under the Kunzea plants, believed to be beneficial in keeping ticks and parasites away.
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$ 21.00 AUD
The Australian Eucalyptus Essential Oil has been traditionally been used to relieve muscular aches and pains. It can help to reduce inflammation and swelling, something which athletes and sports enthusiasts are particularly fond of.
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$ 11.00 AUD
Lemongrass is a cheerful bright, fresh, grassy-lemon citrus essential oil with delicate earthy undertones. It could be of great help as an analgesic, mood booster, natural deodorant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, sedative and many more.
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$ 12.00 AUD
The Rosemary is known as one of the most powerful essential oils on the planet. Its analgesic properties work impeccably on stiff muscles, easing pain and inflammation. Place up to 8 drops in the water-filled compartment.
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$ 14.00 AUD
Tea Tree Organic Essential oil is one of Australia's oldest native plant medicines & is known for its potential antiseptic properties, which have the ability to kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi, - making it one of the best essential oils to have in your medicine kit.
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$ 12.00 AUD
The Bush Essential Oil Pack will take you straight to the middle of a bushy forest - where fresh, crisp, green goodness takes over your senses. This trio makes an excellent productivity-boosting team, targeting enhanced memory and focus.
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$ 34.00 AUD
A Gift Box filled with relaxing aromas and nurturing botanical ingredients for the skin. A self-care mindful gift will also do good for the soul. This wellness gift box is perfect to help achieve a relaxing mood, and a good night's sleeping routine and pamper the skin and the senses with all these calming essential oils! A great way to care for someone you love.
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$ 52.00 AUD
The Relaxing Essential Oil Pack is composed of three staple essential oils: Lavender, Eucalyptus and Cedarwood. Prepare yourself for a full night’s rest, to wave stress and goodbye as you indulge in unwinding moments of self-care.
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$ 40.00 AUD
The Uplifting Essential Pack is a splendid combination of Eucalyptus, Sweet Orange and Grapefruit to uplift and awaken your senses. The delightful blend of citrus and mint aromas bring an incomparable wave of freshness and cheer capable of reviving anyone who walks by.
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$ 30.00 AUD

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